SSP Notes

Blending Life and Magic in  a Hectic World

Supermarket Herbal, Coming Soon!

by | Jul 13, 2019 | Supermarket Herbal

My mission Solitary Suburban Pagan is to connect life and magic in a hectic world.

One of the easiest ways to bring enchantment into our day-to-day lives is through thoughtful use of herbs, spices, fruit, vegetables, and other foodstuffs.

Culturally, spiritually, magically, and personally, a single food item can have a wealth of meaning and power that we never consciously think about. But if we take a few minutes to consider the full scope of ingredients we chose, both for spellwork and for packing a lunch, we can make a powerful impact.


The local supermarket is a one-stop of magic supplies.

Endless possibilities of change and enchantment are readily available from the produce section to the freezer aisle. (I can’t be the only who finds ice cream a powerful force for change, can I?)

To explore the wide variety of spell ingredients and everyday magic available at the local grocery store, I decided to write a series of posts about what we can find on those shelves.

Grocery cart in store aisle 


Herbs and spices first.

Since herbs and spices are commonly referenced in nearly every grimoire, book of shadow, and random spell book, I figure that would be the best place to start.

So the first part of this series will focus on the spice aisle and all the goodies it holds.

Each post will have a general description of the herb’s common correspondences, some possible uses, and some questions that will help you explore personal associations and how it might specifically apply to your life.

Spice rack


Check back in a couple of weeks for the first post all about Allspice:)