SSP Notes

Blending Life and Magic in  a Hectic World

About the Solitary Suburban Pagan Guide series

by | Jun 16, 2019 | SSP series


The Solitary Suburban Pagan Guide series is intended to offer insights and suggestions for connecting life and practice in a hectic world.

These books are not meant to be a step by step authority. Instead, they share a framework to begin to explore your own practice and path. The books are laid out with the expectation that the reader will have their own culture, tradition, philosophy, and, most of all, comfort level. That they will draw on their own instincts and experience to shape the specific details of their own practice.


there is no one true way

One of my most strongly held beliefs is that there is no one true way. We each have to find our own spiritual path.

The books in this series can guide and give direction. They are a set of maps to help you find your way. Rather than a list of specific instructions leading to a preordained location, consider it more of a choose your own adventure series.

Which means you’ll sometimes take a wrong turn and wind up at a dead end. And that is OKAY. We learn from mistakes and missteps at least as much, if not more, than we learn from our successes.

Wiccan and pagan practices are often called a path for just this reason. Because it is about the steps we take every day. What we learn from life. How we move forward and grow as people.


it’s about the journey

It is about the journey, not the final destination. There is no end to our ability to grow and improve.

And that journey includes a wide variety of experiences that we don’t necessarily consider spiritual in the traditional sense of the word. Career, family, community, self-care. They all vie for our time and attention. But if we find ways to explore the magical and spiritual through what others might deem mundane, it can lift our lives and our faith to whole new levels.

Hopefully, this series will help you find a way to connect the two.


forging your own solitary suburban pagan practice

This series will offer guideposts and common beliefs and practices. But it will also encourage you to look beyond conventional wisdom. It will encourage you to use your own intuition, observation, and experiences to forge the path and practice that is best for YOU.